I have a view model that contains 2 related (master / detail) arrays that I want to bind to.
var ViewModel = function (data) {
var self = this;
self.CategoryList = ko.observableArray(data.CategoryList);
self.ItemList = ko.observableArray(data.ItemList);
Where Category is an array of { categoryID: 1, name: "Red Items" }
and Item is an array of { itemID: 1, categoryID: 1, name: "Red Widget" }
I have a handful of categories and possibly several hundred items. I am struggling with how to represent these in my view model in a way that I can enumerate categories and get to associated items or across all items and get to categories.
It doesn't seem efficient to maintain duplicate information on both lists and I don't want to be sending more data than needed over the wire.
One approach: create Item and Category objects and modify the prototype to include filtering (ko.computed) functions. category.Items()
or item.Category().Name
but I am not 100% how to best accomplish this within knockout.js given my need to load and save data.
I am not wed to arrays of simple JSON objects. Assuming I go the function / prototype route, how do I load and save my arrays of objects?