Within our magento site we have the root category for the shop (this is just "default category"). Under this we have set-up some top-level categories (let's for example call these "electronics" and "furniture"), with a bunch of sub categories.
So as an example our category structure might be
- Electronics
- DVD players
- MP3 Players
- Computers
- Furniture
- 3 Piece's
- Armchairs
- Tables
- Sofabeds
I have managed to edit the layout/template for the "sub categories" such as "dvd players" so that we display a custom product list view.
Now what we want to do, is for the top level categories (the very first categories under the root category), is display a custom grid of all the subcategories and their associated thumbnail images, not the product list!
How do i assign a completely different template just for those top level categories?
If someone could provide an insight on how to do this and the step's we need to take (i should be ok with the code itself, its just how to implement it such as custom modules and templates)