In my program I use google-api-python-client to connect to the Calendar API. I make a query for the events for the next 3 days with:
service = build(serviceName='calendar', version='v3', http=http)
events =
The result is a list of events, modelled in a Python dictionary, roughly looking like this (I omitted some unnecessary data):
u'created': u'2012-11-26T00:54:43.000Z',
u'description': u'abc abc',
u'start': {u'dateTime': u'2012-11-26T08:00:00+01:00',
u'timeZone': u'Europe/Copenhagen'},
u'end': {u'dateTime': u'2012-11-26T10:00:00+01:00',
u'timeZone': u'Europe/Copenhagen'},
u'kind': u'calendar#event',
u'recurrence': [u'RRULE:FREQ=DAILY'],
u'sequence': 0
The above event is a recurring event, created several months ago, and the 'start' and 'end' fields reflect the date of the creation. There will be several copies of this event in the resulting list, since it occurs several times between the 'timeMin' and 'timeMax' range.
Now, the problem is I don't have the dateTime of the exact occurrence of the event (should be 2013-01-04T00:08:00+01:00 in this case). Anyone knows if I can get that time from the Google Calendar API (I'm using version 3 via their python package)?
Or would suggest how to implement it on the client side?