
I am using the dynatree plugin to display a checkbox tree, using multi-select mode (mode 3).

When the tree is initialized using ajax (no lazy loading), it seems to forget that some nodes are loaded initially selected. When I select one of these nodes, the value of the flag passed into the onSelect handler is true, i.e: it thinks I want to select the node.

When I click the checkbox again it deselects. It seems that in the background the selection isn't registered until I physically click the checkbox. I want to load the tree with this node already selected.

The json that I am using to load the tree looks fine to me; the select property is true for the node in question, the root node. Here is a snippet of the JSON:

"children": [... omitted for clarity]


I am loading the tree this way:

    checkbox: true,
    selectMode: 3,
    initAjax: {
        type: "POST",
        url: dynaTreeInitUrl
        nodeIcon: ""

where dynaTreeInitUrl is the url that returns the json.

If I hardcode the JSON like so:

    checkbox: true,
    selectMode: 3,
    children: {
        "children": [{
            "expand": true,
            "title": "Child",
            "isFolder": false,
            "key": "1",
            "isLazy": false,
            "addClass": null,
            "select": true,
            "unselectable": true,
            "children": []
        nodeIcon: ""

it works. :/


I discovered why this is happening:

It is a bug in dynatree - or maybe intended behaviour where it is trying to be too clever.

If the child node has unselectable = true, the parent will be unselected when the child is loaded, even if the parent has select = true. This makes it impossible create a tree where the selection is hierarchical - i.e.: to have it so that if parent is selected, all children are automatically selected, and cannot be unselected. I suppose this could be added to dynatree as another "mode".

Would you be able to set up a demo page?Snuffleupagus
I'll give it a try, but, the problem only occurs when I load the tree using ajax - if I use the children property to hardcode the json data it works perfectly. I don't know how to replicate the ajax call in a jsFiddle or similar.Kev
jsfiddle has an echo service for testing ajax, documentation is here. I'd set up the demo myself but I'm sure you'll get more help in general with one.Snuffleupagus
I believe that is only for testing delayed responses to $.ajax / $.get calls, etc. I need dynatree to do the call - see update.Kev
..cont... I attempted calling the echo uri then dropping the json response into the children property, but I can't replicate the condition that causes the error - ie: dynatree doing the call itself.Kev

2 Answers


I discovered why this is happening:

It is a bug in dynatree - or maybe intended behaviour where it is trying to be too clever.

If the child node has unselectable = true, the parent will be unselected when the child is loaded, even if the parent has select = true. This makes it impossible create a tree where the selection is hierarchical - i.e.: to have it so that if parent is selected, all children are automatically selected, and cannot be unselected. I suppose this could be added to dynatree as another "mode".


you can use this code:

onPostInit: function() {
$.map(this.getSelectedNodes(), function(node){


Dynatree Expand Parents of Selected Nodes