In Google Chrome (tested in V44), the modifier key to access accesskey
keyboard shortcuts is Alt.
However, if the key conflicts with a browser shortcut, it is accessed with AltShift. So the solution you posted works, but only using AltShift.
- the first link is accessed with AltShift+f (conflict with menu shortcut)
- the second link is accessed with Alt+a (no conflict)
<h1>Links with accesskey attribute</h1>
<a href='' accesskey='f'>
Link to (accesskey: f)
<a href='' accesskey='a'>
Link to (accesskey: a)
Incidentally, I prefer the solution Firefox uses, which is to always use AltShift for these shortcuts. This is more consistent for users than Chrome's behavior (though the Chome devs may have had their reasons).
Note: The above is valid on Windows and Linux. AFAIK, Chrome on Mac OS X uses different shortcuts.