
I am using youtube's iframe API to embed videos, one at a time, on a website that gets lists of videos from reddit.

Yesterday everything was working fine, however today I am getting "402 Payment Required" when the iframe makes a call to http://www.youtube.com/get_video_info[...], and the videos doesn't load. This happens every once in a while, it feels like some sort of throttling. I thought it may be related to some changes to the code I've done today, but I was getting the same errors when I reverted to yesterday's code.

I believe the GET requests originates from Youtube's HTML5 player, which is loaded in the iframe, after calling new YT.Player:

        player = new YT.Player(
        'player', {
            playerVars: {
            // 'controls': 0 // TODO: Hide controls.
            videoId: vidid,
            events: {
            'onReady': onPlayerReady,
            'onStateChange': checkState

GET http://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?html5=1&video_id=bV3W1a_rY7k&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Fderp.html&el=embedded&hl=en_US&splay=1 Response: 402 Payment Required

You can see the example live here:



3 Answers


After googling for a bit I found a refernce to this problem here.

It seems that youtube has hijacked the 402 to mean "Due to high usage, youtube requires a CAPTCHA to be solved."


I agree with Trent. I came across this problem when trying to get video info thru MPS Youtube and realized it was because I was connecting through a VPN, so google was getting a ton of requests from the same IP and required the Captcha. As soon as I turned off the VPN, I was able to get video info


The resolve this problem, navigate your browser to www.youtube.com and solve the captcha that you see there. Once you do that, you will no longer see the error.