
How to get a list of videos from http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/EL5BQGc0nPiVI?v=2&alt=json

I have made a program in which I am able to fetch a list of videos by using this kind of URL: please check this but this time I want to get a list of video(s) using Playlist in Android like using this URL, actual YouTube videos URL:

Here I am using JSON but now I don't know what are changes in my code I need to do to get the list of videos using the above playlist URL.

  public void run() {
    try {
        HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
        HttpUriRequest request = new HttpGet("http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/EL5BQGc0nPiVI?v=2&alt=json"); 
        // Get the response that YouTube sends back
        HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
        // Convert this response into a readable string
    String jsonString = StreamUtils.convertToString
        // Create a JSON object that we can use from the String
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonString);
        // Get is search result items
    JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONObject("data").getJSONArray("items");
        // Create a list to store are videos in
        List<Video> videos = new ArrayList<Video>();
        for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
            JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
            // The title of the video
            String title = jsonObject.getString("title");
            String url;
            try {
    url = jsonObject.getJSONObject("player").getString("default");
    } catch (JSONException ignore) {
    url = jsonObject.getJSONObject("player").getString("default");
            String thumbUrl = jsonObject.getJSONObject("thumbnail").getString("sqDefault");
            videos.add(new Video(title, url, thumbUrl));
        Library lib = new Library(username, videos);
        Bundle data = new Bundle();
        data.putSerializable(LIBRARY, lib);
        Message msg = Message.obtain();
    } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
        Log.e("Feck", e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Log.e("Feck", e);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        Log.e("Feck", e);

2 Answers

 String JKYouTubeActivity.YOUTUBE_INFO_URL=http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/_ID_?v=2&alt=json

 private String getUrl(String id) throws IOException, JSONException {
        HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
        HttpGet clientGetMethod = new HttpGet(JKYouTubeActivity.YOUTUBE_INFO_URL.replace("_ID_", id));
        HttpResponse clientResponse = null;
        clientResponse = client.execute(clientGetMethod);
        String infoString = _convertStreamToString(clientResponse.getEntity().getContent());
        String urldata=new JSONObject(infoString).getJSONObject("entry").getJSONObject("media$group").getJSONArray("media$content").getJSONObject(0).getString("url");
        return new JSONObject(infoString).getJSONObject("entry").getJSONObject("media$group").getJSONArray("media$content").getJSONObject(0).getString("url");

    private String _convertStreamToString(InputStream iS) {
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(iS));
        StringBuilder sB = new StringBuilder();
        String line = null;
        try {
            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
        return sB.toString();


After getting the urldata you can streamed it or do whatever you want to. Same as well you can get Thumbnails and title too


You can use recyclerView for the list. I have done this using Youtube api rest calls. You will need to get a browser key from the google developer console. I've explained this in my answer here:


The "new way" of the Youtube rest call will look like this(I believe the max results are 50):
