
I'm creating a client/server application managed by Sockets and Thread. I want to know how to close properly the socket and the related threads. This is my code:

protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e)

        if (UserList.Count > 0)
            foreach (User user in UserList)
                Socket socketUser = user.getSocket();


private void connectBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string port=portNum.Text;
    string welcome = "Server up and running - " + System.DateTime.Now.GetDateTimeFormats()[0] + "  " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm") + "\n" + "Listening Port: " + port + "\n";
    socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, Convert.ToInt32(portNum.Text)));

    thrAccept = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Accept));
    serverLog.AppendText(welcome + "\n");
    connectBtn.Enabled = false;

private void Accept()
    while (true)
        incoming = socket.Accept();
        thrReceive = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Receive));

private void Receive()
    User user = new User();//create an istance for the class User

    while (true)
        byte[] buffer = new byte[64];
        // the program continue....

How can I close correctly the socket?

Class User

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;

namespace HW2_SERVER
    class User
        public string username;
        public Socket S;
        public string role;
        public bool managed;
        public User()
            username = "";
            S = null;
            role = "";
            managed = false;


        public void setManage(bool i)
            managed = i;
        public void setUsername(string u)
            username = u;
        public void setSocket(Socket sock)
            S = sock;
        public void setRole(string r)
            role = r;
        public bool getManaged()
            return managed;
        public string getUsername()
            return username;

        public Socket getSocket()
            return S;
        public string getRole()
            return role;
have you thought about calling socket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); before calling socket.Close?MethodMan
I try your hint but also like this I riceve the exception (in this case the messagebox)Francesco
look at the example where you are calling socket.Close, you should also put that in the foreach loop and remove the socket.Close(); call outside of the foreach loopMethodMan
you may also want to put the code in this event or at least check for it then close it in this Event OnSocketConnectedMethodMan
yes what u said is right, but actually i'm trying to close the socket without clients connected, so that if will be executed only in case there's at least 1 user connected to the server, so now i don't need to use socket.close() in that loopFrancesco

1 Answers


You seem to be overwriting your reference to socket and incoming. I assume these are fields on the class. I think you need to keep a collection of these objects, and close all of them when you're shutting down.

Also, aborting threads is a bad idea as you don't know what operation the thread was doing at the time it was being aborted. It's considered a better practice to make a graceful shutdown by setting a flag and checking it in the loop. This may be the cause of your exception. I suggest you don't abort the threads, and instead find a proper way to shut everything down. You're more likely to find a bug-free path this way.

I would replace both of your while (true) loops with while (_isRunning). Set that as a field on the class with a public value. When you're closing down, set it to false and the threads will exit gracefully.