About 15 years ago I wrote a system for a client in VB6 using Crystal Reports. They've been happily using the system, until they contacted me a week or two ago. Apparently they decided to get with the 21st century and upgrade their computers to Windows 7 x64. Now the VB6 system still works fine, but the Crystal Reports have gone all pear shaped. Ferinstance, they cannot "Preview" reports anymore - they get an error message:
Error in File C:\Program Files (x86)\Blahblahblah System\MyReport.rpt: Invalid collation value.
Googled that message; it has never before been reported so far as I can tell. But printing works fine... except on one or two computers on their network, where any attempt to print a report is met with the error:
Error in File C:\Program Files (x86)\Blahblahblah System\MyReport.rpt: No default printer.
Needless to say, the computer does have a default printer, so that message is clearly bogus.
They do have the original VB6 source code, but that's not much good to me, since I no longer have a VB6 development environment. I could use it just to read it and maybe diagnose...
Anyone have any ideas about old Crystal Reports files, and what might cause the error messages above?