I would like to take values that are calculated in IML to be used in SAS' printing functionality %PRNTINIT. This functionality is used to provide weekly reports from a database that can get updated.
I have some legacy code that uses proc sql
to declare macro-type values that are called upon later, e.g.:
Declaring variables: tot1-tot4
*Get total number of subjects in each group in macro variable;
proc sort data = avg3; by description; run;
proc sql noprint;
select _freq_
into: tot1-:tot4
from avg3;
Calling variables tot1-tot4 for printing
%print(column = 1, style = bold, just = center, lines = bottom:none);
%print("(N= &tot1)", column = 2, just = center, lines = bottom:none);
%print("(N= &tot2)", column = 3, just = center, lines = bottom:none);
%print("(N= &tot3)", column = 4, just = center, lines = bottom:none);
%print("(N= &tot4 )", column = 5, just = center, lines = bottom:none);
%print(column = 6, just = center, lines = bottom:none);
I would like to be able to call values from IML similarly, if possible.
Example data:
data test ;
input age type gender $;
1 1 m
1 1 m
1 1 m
1 1 f
1 1 f
1 2 f
2 1 m
2 1 f
2 2 m
2 2 m
2 2 m
2 2 m
2 2 m
2 2 f
2 2 f
2 2 f
proc freq data = test;
tables type*age / chisq norow nocol nopercent outexpect out=out1 ;
tables type*gender / chisq norow nocol nopercent outexpect out=out2 ;
options missing=" ";
proc iml;
reset print;
use out2;
read all var {count} into count;
type1 = count[1:2] ;
type2 = count[3:4] ;
tab = type1 || type2 ;
cols = tab[+,] ;
rows = tab[,+] ;
tot = sum(tab) ;
perc = round(cols / tot, .01) ;
cell_perc = round(tab / (cols//cols) , .01) ;
expect = (rows * cols) / tot ;
chi_1 = sum((tab - expect)##2/expect) ;
p_chi_1 = 1-CDF('CHISQUARE',chi_1, ((ncol(tab)-1)*(nrow(tab)-1)));
print tab p_chi_1 perc cell_perc;
out_sex = tab || (. // p_chi_1);
print out_sex;
print out_sex[colname={"1","2"}
rowname={"f" "m" "p-value"}
label="Table of Type by Gender"];
call symput(t1_sum, cols[1,1]) ;
%let t2_sum = put(cols[1,2]) ;
%let t1_per = perc[1,1] ;
%let t2_per = perc[1,2] ;
%let t1_f = tab[1,1] ;
%let t1_m = tab[2,1] ;
%let t2_f = tab[1,2] ;
%let t2_m = tab[2,2] ;
%let t1_f_p = cell_perc[1,1] ;
%let t1_m_p = cell_perc[2,1] ;
%let t2_f_p = cell_perc[1,2] ;
%let t2_m_p = cell_perc[2,2] ;
%let p_val = p_chi_1 ;
***** is it possible to list output values here for use in table building ??? ;
* like: %let t1_f = tab[1,1]
%let t2_f = tab[2,1] etc... ;
So I would like to declare a print statement like the following:
%print( "(N=&tab[1,1], column = 1, just=center, lines = bottom:none);
%print( "(N=&tab[1,2], column = 2, just=center, lines = bottom:none);
Any help on this is greatly appreciated...
Update: Unable to extract declared macro values out of IML
I have been able to calculate the correct values and format the table successfully.
However, I am unable to extract the values for use in the print macro.
I have created some matrices and calculated values in IML, but when I try to declare macro variables for use later, the only thing that is returned is the literal value that I declared the variable to be... e.g.:
You can see in the table what I want the numbers to be, but have thus far been unsuccessful. I have tried using %let
, put
, symput
, and symputx
without success.
call symput(t1_sum, cols[1,1]) ;
%let t2_sum = put(cols[1,2]) ;
%let t1_per = perc[1,1] ;
%let t2_per = perc[1,2] ;
%let t1_f = tab[1,1] ;
%let t1_m = tab[2,1] ;
%let t2_f = tab[1,2] ;
%let t2_m = tab[2,2] ;
%let t1_f_p = cell_perc[1,1] ;
%let t1_m_p = cell_perc[2,1] ;
%let t2_f_p = cell_perc[1,2] ;
%let t2_m_p = cell_perc[2,2] ;
functionality to build the table as specified. It is quite tedious, but is stable. I am definitely open to other suggestions. – blue and grey