
I have used Pig and Hive before but am new to Hadoop MapReduce. I need to write an application which has multiple small sized files as input (say 10). They have different file structures, so I want to process them parallelly on separate nodes so that they can be processed quickly. I know that the strong point of Hadoop is processing large data but these input files, though small, require a lot of processing so I was hoping to leverage Hadoop's parallel computing prowess. Is this possible?

how small are these files and what kind of processing you are going to perform?Tariq
The files are pretty small, from 1 - 20 KB. And we have to perform a lot of different checks to ensure that the file is in correct format and is not corrupt.aa8y
Can this be achieved by partitioning (maybe based on filename). Please answer this question of mine, in which I am encountering a problem while partitioning the data. stackoverflow.com/questions/14193646/…aa8y

2 Answers


It is possible but you're probably not going to get much value. You have these forces against you:

Confused input

You'll need to write a mapper which can handle all of the different input formats (either by detecting the input format, or using the filename of the input to decide which format to expect)

Multiple outputs

You need to either use the slightly tricky multiple output file handling functionality of Hadoop or write your output as a side effect of the reducer (or mapper if you can be sure that each file will go to a different node)

High Cost of initialization

Every hadoop map reduce job comes with a hefty start up cost, about 30 seconds on a small cluster, much more on a larger cluster. This point alone probably will lose you more time than you could ever hope to gain by parallelism.


In brief: give a try to NLineInputFormat.

There is no problem to copy all your input files to all nodes (you can put them to distributed cache if you like). What you really want to distribute is check processing.

With Hadoop you can create (single!) input control file in the format (filename,check2run) or (filename,format,check2run) and use NLineInputFormat to feed specified number of checks to your nodes (mapreduce.input.lineinputformat.linespermap controls number of lines feed to each mapper).

Note: Hadoop input format determines how splits are calculated; NLineInputFormat (unlike TextInputFormat) does not care about blocks.

Depending on the nature of your checks you may be able to compute linespermap value to cover all files/checks in one wave of mappers (or may be unable to use this approach at all :) )