
When I am trying to send mail to google smtp server at alt1.aspmx.l.google.com on port number 25 it behaves normal but when I enter data and press a single dot after new line it still does not stop accepting data and keep accepting.


Look at following conversation

nc alt1.aspmx.l.google.com 25

mx.google.com at your service
HELO ashish
250 mx.google.com at your service
MAIL FROM:[email protected]
250 2.1.0 OK hn8si29938637igb.69
RCPT TO:[email protected]
250 2.1.5 OK hn8si29938637igb.69
354 Go ahead hn8si29938637igb.69
Header blah blah
This is ashish.
Now you should stop


I expect that server should ideally say 250 Ok after seeing a . but it doesn't

Am I making any mistake, I hope not because same sequence of command works well with other SMTP servers. Is there any special diff rule to mention end of data while using Google smtp ?? :(

ok ... Am I making any mistake. If not, why is not it working for me ?Point Networks
On what OS are you? I tried your steps with putty. Which client are you using? Are you sending CRLF and not just LF (that is a config option in some terminal emulators)?rene
I am on Linux (Opensuse Linux 12.1) Connceting with netcatPoint Networks
Can you try with a plain telnet? I expect nc to send only LF (0xa( instead of CRLF (0xd 0xa)rene
ok thanx for mentioning what you think. You were correct rene, it was due to exact problem what u thought. I used nc again but this time to send CRLF I used Control-V then Return and Return again.Point Networks

1 Answers


I know this is an old post, but you may want to use nc -C