I needed a PHP-only solution, so just in case someone needs it as well. It takes an allowed input string like "*.example.com" and returns the request header server name, if the input matches.
function getCORSHeaderOrigin($allowed, $input)
if ($allowed == '*') {
return '*';
$allowed = preg_quote($allowed, '/');
if (($wildcardPos = strpos($allowed, '*')) !== false) {
$allowed = str_replace('*', '(.*)', $allowed);
$regexp = '/^' . $allowed . '$/';
if (!preg_match($regexp, $input, $matches)) {
return 'none';
return $input;
And here are the test cases for a phpunit data provider:
// <description> <allowed> <input> <expected>
array('Allow Subdomain', 'www.example.com', 'www.example.com', 'www.example.com'),
array('Disallow wrong Subdomain', 'www.example.com', 'ws.example.com', 'none'),
array('Allow All', '*', 'ws.example.com', '*'),
array('Allow Subdomain Wildcard', '*.example.com', 'ws.example.com', 'ws.example.com'),
array('Disallow Wrong Subdomain no Wildcard', '*.example.com', 'example.com', 'none'),
array('Allow Double Subdomain for Wildcard', '*.example.com', 'a.b.example.com', 'a.b.example.com'),
array('Don\'t fall for incorrect position', '*.example.com', 'a.example.com.evil.com', 'none'),
array('Allow Subdomain in the middle', 'a.*.example.com', 'a.bc.example.com', 'a.bc.example.com'),
array('Disallow wrong Subdomain', 'a.*.example.com', 'b.bc.example.com', 'none'),
array('Correctly handle dots in allowed', 'example.com', 'exampleXcom', 'none'),