Is there any conflict?
18 Answers
All new versions of Delphi can always be installed safely /next/ to older version.
Each new version should be installed in its own directory.
If you are going to install multiple versions, always install the oldest version first, and then work your way to the newest.
We work very hard to make sure that all versions of Delphi coexist together. But again, never install one version directly on top of another.
I did D2007 on the same machine as D2006 with absolutely no problems (I was shocked, actually).
I haven't tried D2009 yet, but it should be ok.
This guy had problems though. Hopefully his issues were due to the custom setup he describes in that article.
A colleague of mine (think he has an account on here as dcraggs now) has got them both running on the same machine just fine, I believe.
Certainly would be a huge own-goal from Embarcadero if installing D2009 broke an already-installed D2007, given the way that the components and DCUs are not compatible - I suspect a fair number of people will need to have both around for a while (some of us still need D5 and D7 too!)
Installed D2009 Enterprise on VMWare instance running Vista Business with an existing D2007 Enterprise installation. Perhaps I did something incorrectly, but I began to experience errors in the D2007 IDE, as well as a very strange error, unknown fieldtype, in exe files compiled with D2007. I uninstalled D2009, and the errors have gone away.
Should be fine. I have Delphi 7, 2006, 2007, 2009 with 3rd party libs Dev Express and Rem Objects for all (except Dev Express for 2009 - is it out yet?) and all work flawlessly. As others pointed out the versions were installed oldest to newest.
Moving along with the order of release is a must. Install older first. Uninstalling may get tricky though. How to fix Delphi 2009 data explorer?