I'm interested in possible ways that different languages can Join an array, but rather than using a single join string, using a different join string at given intervals.
For example (hypothetical language):
Array.modJoin([mod, char], ...)
e.g. [1,2,3,4,5].modJoin( [1, ","], [2, ":"] )
Where the arguments specify an array or object containing a modulo and a join char, the implementation would check which order of modulo took precedence (the latest one), and apply the join char. (requiring that the [mod,char]'s were provided in ascending mod order)
if (index % (nth mod) == 0)
append (join char)
continue to next index
(nth mod)-- repeat
when complete join with ""
For example, I've come up with the following in Ruby, but I suspect better / more elegant methods exist, and that's what I'd like to see.
#Create test Array
#9472 - 9727 as HTML Entities (unicode box chars)
range = (9472..9727).to_a.map{|u| "&##{u};" }
Assuming we have a list of mod's and join chars, we have to stipulate that mods increase in value as the list progresses.
mod_joins = [{m:1, c:",", m:12, c:"<br/>"]
Now process the range
with mod_joins
processed = range.each_with_index.map { |e, i|
m = nil
mods.reverse_each {|j|
m = j and break if i % j[:m] == 0
# use the lowest mod for index 0
m = mods[0] if i == 0
m = nil ? e : "#{e}#{m[:c]}"
#output the result string
puts processed.join ""
From this we have a list of htmlEntities, separated by ,
unless it's index is a 12th modulo in which case it's a <br/>
So, I'm interested for ways this can be done more elegantly, primarily in functional languages like Haskell, F#, Common Lisp (Scheme, Clojure) etc. but also cool ways to achieve this in general purpose languages that have list comprehension extensions such as C# with Linq, Ruby and Python or even Perl.