Question is very simple: Let's say I have a given row r from scipy sparse matrix M (100,000X500,000), I want to find its location/index in the M matrix? How can I accomplish this in an efficient way?
Currently I am trying the following way, but it is horribly slow.
offset = 500
begin = 0
end = begin + offset
row = row.todense() #convert sparse to dense
while 1:
sub_M = M[begin:end,:].todense() #M matrix is too big that its dense cannot fit memory
labels=np.all(row == sub_M, axis=1) # here we find row in the sub set of M, but in a dense representation
begin = end
end = end + offset
if (end - offset) == M.shape[0]:
elif end > M.shape[0]:
end = M.shape[0]