
I'm plotting data from a file. The data points are in metric units. I want to show a second scale on the right (y2) that's in standard units.

The file represents rocket motor thrust over time. The data are in Newtons. I want to show newtons on the left (this happens by itself, naturally) and pounds force on the right. The conversion is a simple factor (multiply N by 0.2248 to obtain lbf).

I can set y2tics and if I set y2range manually, they appear on the right. What I don't know how to do is set y2range automatically to y1range * a factor.

My eventual solution is to plot twice, once in Newtons on y1 and once in pounds on y2, and make the y2 plot almost invisible:

plot '-' using 1:($2*0.2248) with dots axes x1y2 lc rgb 'white' notitle, \
      '' using 1:2 with lines lc rgb '<color>' title '<title>'

The solution above often generates slightly different y scales: with autoragne, gnuplot rounds up the range so the top tick on each axis is a round number, and of course the rounding is different for different units.

Ultimately I end up with Python code that finds the highest thrust value in each graph, then I explicitly set yrange to that number and y2range to that number * 0.2248:

f.write("set yrange [0:%s]; set y2range[0:%s]\n" % (peak_thrust, peak_thrust*NEWTON_LBF));

Here's the end result: http://www.lib.aero/hosted/motors/cesaroni_12-15-12.html (sample graph below) enter image description here

Good information. Thank you from November 2017. However, I see you say "with dots" and I do not see any dots. Also, can you show what your datafile looks like?SDsolar

3 Answers


It seems to me that the easiest way to do this is to simply scale the data:

set y2tics
plot sin(x) w lines, 5*sin(x) w lines axes x1y2

Of course, you're plotting data from a file, so it would look something more like:

set y2tics
FACTOR=0.2248  #conversion factor from newtons to lbf
plot 'datafile' u 1:2 w lines, '' u 1:(FACTOR*$2) w lines

If you're setting the yrange explicitly (which you may need to do):

set yrange [ymin:ymax]
set y2range [ymin*FACTOR:ymax*FACTOR]

Finally, if you really want to rely on autoscaling, you're going to need to do some "gymnastics".

First, set a dummy terminal so we can plot without making a plot:

set term unknown
plot 'datafile' u 1:2  #collect information on our data

Now that we've collected information on the data, we can set our real y2range

set y2tics nomirror
set ytics nomirror

Now set the terminal and plot the data:

set term ...
set output ...
plot 'datafile' u 1:2 w lines

Version 5.0 added support for this kind of relations between the y and y2 (or also x and x2) axis:

set xrange[0:370]
set ytics nomirror
set y2tics
set link y2 via 0.2248*y inverse y/0.2248
plot x

example for <code>set link</code>


I know it's an old question and the answer has already been accepted, but I think it's worth sharing my approach.

I simply use modified labels for the x2axis. In your case, this would be

set y2tics ("10" 10/0.2248, "20" 20/0.2248 etc etc...

that can be looped this way

do for [i=0:1000:10] { set y2tics add (sprintf("%i",i) i/0.2248) }

where the for range should be adjusted according to your data (you could use stats and the variable GPVAL_DATA_Y_MAX for complete peace of mind). Don't forget to

set ytics nomirror

This will give exactly what are you looking for, in (almost) a one liner: enter image description here

If you want to use a grid and have the converted factors on the x2axis, so that for example to the label y=50 N would correspond y2=11.2 (it keeps things tidy if you use a grid) you can do

do for [i=0:1000:50] { set y2tics add (sprintf("%5.1f",i*0.2248) }

This is the result: enter image description here