At OSX 10.8 on postresql server 9.1.4 is a unexpected behavior. Since on Ubuntu 12.04 it was correct.
To reproduce this issue use the the following postgres sql example database. Note: The timestamp values are selected in time zone 'Europe/Berlin' and the timestamps are around the DST end in 2012 which was the case of this test.
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"timestampwithtimezone" timestamp(6) WITH TIME ZONE,
CONSTRAINT "data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
INSERT INTO data (id, timestampwithtimezone) VALUES (205,'2012-10-28 01:30:00+02');
INSERT INTO data (id, timestampwithtimezone) VALUES (204,'2012-10-28 02:00:00+02');
INSERT INTO data (id, timestampwithtimezone) VALUES (203,'2012-10-28 02:30:00+02');
INSERT INTO data (id, timestampwithtimezone) VALUES (202,'2012-10-28 02:59:59+02');
INSERT INTO data (id, timestampwithtimezone) VALUES (106,'2012-10-28 02:00:00+01');
INSERT INTO data (id, timestampwithtimezone) VALUES (107,'2012-10-28 02:30:00+01');
INSERT INTO data (id, timestampwithtimezone) VALUES (108,'2012-10-28 02:59:59+01');
INSERT INTO data (id, timestampwithtimezone) VALUES (109,'2012-10-28 03:00:00+01');
INSERT INTO data (id, timestampwithtimezone) VALUES (110,'2012-10-28 03:30:00+01');
If I type the following SQL query which only looks for the last existent timestamp before a given timestamp:
SELECT id, timestampwithtimezone at time zone 'Europe/Berlin' as timestampwithtimezone
FROM data
timestampwithtimezone at time zone 'Europe/Berlin'
< cast('2012-10-28T02:30:00.000+01' AS timestamp)
ORDER BY timestampwithtimezone DESC
my expected result was:
║ 106 ║ 2012-10-28 02:00:00 ║
Since I want the last timestamp before a given (2012-10-28T02:30:00.000+01) timestamp. But the result contains:
║ 204 ║ 2012-10-28 02:00:00 ║
It seems that postgresqls sorting is wrong in this case. Under Ubuntu I get the right answer which was id: 106 and NOT 204.
If I set up this query: (Only difference is that I dropped the result set mapping to the time zone):
SELECT id, timestampwithtimezone
FROM data
WHERE timestampwithtimezone at time zone 'Europe/Berlin'
< cast('2012-10-28T02:30:00.000+01' AS timestamp)
ORDER BY timestampwithtimezone DESC
The result set in OSX 10.8 is as expected as well as in Ubuntu 12.04:
║ 106 ║ 2012-10-28 02:00:00+01 ║
Why is there a difference between the OS versions? And the answer '204' to this query in this case is really wrong. But why there is a difference in the result set if I map the timestamp to a time zone? To my knowledge postgresql uses internally UTC to store timestamps. So the DST should be not a problem in the timeline. Why this happens?
Thanks in advance in the hope of a response.