
I am using WiX Toolset 3.7, and I need to check for the installation of .NET Framework 4.5 in my installer. However, the Documentation does not seem to be updated to include 4.5 properties. There is a bug that seems to imply that such properties do exist: https://sourceforge.net/p/wix/bugs/3167/, but I could not find a reference. I tried just copying the 4.0 property and using NETFRAMEWORK45FULL but the WiX compiler failed to recognize it.


1 Answers


After looking through the WiX source code, I found the properties. The one I decided to use was simply NETFRAMEWORK45. The others can be found here: http://wix.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/62deafa7b2a4#src/ext/NetFxExtension/wixlib/NetFx4.5.wxs

UPDATE: Moved to https://github.com/wixtoolset/wix4/blob/709560017c322dca0059d1c8849184e22b85bea7/src/ext/NetFxExtension/wixlib/NetFx4.5.wxs