I'm creating an ajax upload component which consists of a progress bar for each backbone view, this is how my view template looks like.
<script id="view-template-dropped-file" type="text/html">
<a><%=name %></a><span><%=fileSize%></span>
<div class="ui-progress-bar">
<div class="ui-progress"></div>
When I drop files on my drop area I create a view for each file like this
for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var view = new DroppedFileView({
model: new DroppedFile({
name: files[i].name,
fileSize: files[i].size
var $li = view.render().$el;
$('#droparea ul').append($li);
The drop area with some files added showing a progress bar for each file. http://cl.ly/Lf4v
Now when I press upload I need to show the progress for each file individually.
What I tried to do was to bind to an event in my DroppedFileView like this
initialize: function() {
var app = myapp.app;
app.bind('showProgress', this._progress, this);
and the _progress function
_progress: function(percentComplete) {
this.$el.find('.ui-progress').animateProgress((percentComplete * 100), function () { }, 2000);
and this is how I trigger the event from the drop area view
xhr: function () {
var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function (e) {
if (e.lengthComputable) {
var percentComplete = e.loaded / e.total;
app.trigger('showProgress', percentComplete);
}, false);
return xhr;
of course this will not work because I listen to the same showProgress event in all views which will cause all progress bars to show the same progress.
So, is it possible to bind an event to a specified view so the progress can be updated individually or is events not a good approach?