
I am looking for a bit of clarification on how the algorithms implemented in Canny edge detection - Wikipedia entry - work. It seems pretty straightforward to perform noise reduction using a 2D Gaussian filter, but I have heard that using two 1D filters - how is this accomplished? It's also simple to calculate the gradient and edge direction. However, when performing non-maximum suppression is there a neat trick to getting the rounded angle? What I'm currently doing is dividing the edge direction (theta) value by pi/4, casting it to an integer and using a switch statement. But, how does one handle the negative theta values - ie should -pi/4 be handled the same way as 3*pi/4 or the same as pi/4?

Any advice/links are much appreciated!

Thanks, Ben


3 Answers


Gauss distribution:

[constants are omitted for simplicity]

g2d(x,y)=exp(-xx-yy)=exp(-x^2) * exp(-y^2)=g1d(x) * g1d(y)

Thus is can be separated into multiplication of 1d-distributions. And thus filtration can be done first in x-direction (independently on each row) and then in y-direction (independently on each column)

rounded angle:

If angle is outside of [0..pi) it's correct in this case to add/subtract pi as many times as needed (or use function fmod), and for [0..pi) all is clear.

Also depending on platform it may be better to avoid arctan usage at all: you can draw a circle, divide it in 4 areas and produce a set of conditions for gradient components which use only arithmetic operations and give you answer in which area direction is.


Do you have to implement it yourself or can you use a library? OpenCv is a huge C library of algorithms in computer vision including edge detection: http://opencv.willowgarage.com/documentation/image_processing.html?highlight=canny#cvCanny .

If you are doing it for educational purposes, I suggest considering the purchase of a good text on computer vision. Almost any introductory text will discuss filtering with the Gaussian (and the well documented 1d trick) as well as canny edge detection and non-maximum suppression.


I think that -pi/4 should be handled the same way as 3*pi/4, because both define the same diagonal.

If you can normalize the angle of the gradient so that it lies in [0, pi), then you could use a simple function like the following to quantize the angle:

enum Angle

Angle quantizeAngle(double theta)
    if (0 <= theta && theta < PI/8.0) || (7.0*PI/8.0 <= theta && theta < PI))
        return HORIZONTAL;
    else if (PI/8.0 <= theta && theta < 3.0*PI/8.0)
        return DIAG_UP;
    else if (3.0*PI/8.0 <= theta && theta < 5.0*PI/8.0)
        return VERTICAL;
        return DIAG_DOWN;