
TortoiseSVN shows icon decorations in Windows Explorer which show whether there are any uncommitted changes in a particular directory tree. For example:

TortoiseSVN icon decoration

The above image shows that somewhere in the directory tree of Trunk there is a changed file.

However, I often use the ignore-on-commit changelist to hold changes which I never want to commit - for example Web.config changes related to connection strings.

I cannot rely on the icon decorations letting me know whether I have changes, as they will also show up with a red (!) even if there's only Web.config changes. This adds unnecessary noise to Explorer.

Is there a way to change this so that only changes I want to commit are flagged as changes in Explorer?

Why don't you use 'svn:ignore' property? See tortoisesvn.net/docs/release/TortoiseSVN_en/…bahrep
@bahrep - The files I want to ignore are versioned files, which cannot be ignored.LeopardSkinPillBoxHat

2 Answers


Is there a way to change this

No. Icon overlays work

  • for all files
  • by the same manner
  • always

I recently upgraded to TortoiseSVN version 1.8.3 (I was using 1.7.x before) and it appears that there is now an option to do exactly this! It works perfectly.

enter image description here