
I've created a sample application based on the JBoss Kitchensink example. This application records Entities using CDI Beans. I've found quite easy to store a new Entities using JPA + firing the Observer on the newly created Entity:

private Event<MyEntity> propEventSrc;

public void put(MyEntity p){


However I cannot find a way to fire the event in case the user wants to delete all records. In other words:
public void delete(){

    Query query = em.createQuery("delete FROM MyEntity ");


        // I need to fire an event here so that the List of MyEntities from the Producer class gets updated           

I've tried with the notifyAll() method of the propEventSrc but that does just produce Exceptions, Any idea how to solve this issue ?
Thanks Max


1 Answers


if you want to fire event for every entity that gets deleted, best approach would be to add @PostRemove handler to entity in question and add code that fires event.

some examples http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Java_Persistence/Advanced_Topics

you might have some problems with injecting CDI objects into EntityListener but you can workaround this(until JPA 2.1) as described in CDI injection in EntityListeners