I'm using a CCLabelTTF
to show the score of the player on the screen. However, when I'm calling setString
to update the score label, it doesn't update (so it always stays at 0).
Here's my code :
In Player.m, I initiate a new PlayerHUD object:
- (id) init{
if (self = [super init]){
playerHUD = [[PlayerHUD alloc] loadPlayerInterface];
[self addChild:playerHUD z:UPLAYER_Z];
return self;
In PlayerHUD.m, I initiate the Score Label :
- (id) loadPlayerInterface{
if (self = [super init]){
score = 0;
//Score Label
lblScore = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", score] fontName:@"pixel" fontSize:24];
[self addChild:lblScore z:1000];
return self;
Still in PlayerHUD.m, here's my update function :
- (void) updateScore:(NSInteger)_newscore{
score = _newscore;
[lblScore setString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", score]];
And, in Player.m, I call the update function here :
- (void) addScore{
int scoreToAdd = 50
score += scoreToAdd;
NSLog(@"Score:%d", score);
[playerHUD updateScore:score];
NSLog(@"Score:%d", score);
? – Inder Kumar Rathore