As I couldn't find how to authenticate with the V2 API with my Box credential I tried to use the authentication token from a V1 API with a V2 request.
I discovered something weird and I'd like to know if something is wrong.
The documentation of the header to authenticate a V2 request described it like this for a curl command): curl -k -L -H "Authorization: Bearer AUTH_TOKEN"
With curl I couldn't get anything, not even an error message. However I tried this request with Postman and in the response I could see that the token was invalid.
In this forum I found that the header could have a different form including the api_key so I tried the following: curl -k -L -H "Authorization: BoxAuth api_key=API_KEY&auth_token=AUTH_TOKEN"
and this request works as I could get the content of the file like with a V1 API call.
Could someone from BOX explains what's going on? I suspect that I'm not the only one having this problem...
header contained both authToken and APIkey. May be a technical change from BOX. Have to wait for BOX developers for some reply. – user-457786