I want to use ASP.NET SimpleMembership to authenticate users that consume my WebAPI. Thinktecture has a wonderful authentication library called Thinktecture.IdentityModel (http://thinktecture.github.com/Thinktecture.IdentityModel.45/) with an example that ties Forms Auth with Basic Auth (source). However, the example uses Membership.ValidateUser() which doesn't work without a ASP.NET Membership provider, which isn't supported by SimpleMembership (source) (edit: this isn't entirely true, see Mark's answer below).
Here's what I did:
1) Create a new MVC Internet Application
2) Install Thinktecture.IdentityModel via NuGet
3) Create a model and an api controller via scaffolding:
public class Goober
public int GooberId { get; set; }
public string GooberWords { get; set; }
4) Ran the project, created a new user and created a new Goober using Fiddler
5) Added [Authorize] to GetGoober(int id)
6) In WebApiConfig.cs added:
var authConfig = new AuthenticationConfiguration();
authConfig.AddBasicAuthentication((userName, password) =>
Membership.ValidateUser(userName, password));
config.MessageHandlers.Add(new AuthenticationHandler(authConfig));
When I run the project and hit api/goober/1 with Fiddler I get a 401 www-Authenticate: unspecified. But if I log in first using the AccountController then use Fiddler I get a 200 and everything is peachy.
Okay, I think the problem isn't related to my initial question. I suspect it's related to the initialization of SimpleMembership in the template. When I open the project and run debug then hit the api with Fiddler I can't get past Auth. But when I simply click the "register" link on the web frontend I get past Auth. I'm guessing it's because the InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute is called at the AccountController so doesn't initialize until the controller is called?
I've tried using WebSecurity.Login() in the place of Membership.ValidateUser() but that doesn't work.
I'm at a loss on how to actually implement this. Does anyone have any advice? Or maybe I'm attempting to tackle this problem from the wrong angle?