
I'm using timeline component of primefaces extensions and when i set height of the component "auto", there is no any visual view of the component on the page on the other hand when i set the height a value, it seen successfully. But row count (group count in demo) of the component is dynamic on my application. I found a solution by counting row count before rendering and set height value of component in xhtml using a getter method which provide a calculated height value.

V. 0.6.1

Why auto value of height paremeter does not work? Is there any idea and any optimum solution?

<pe:timeline id="timeline" value="#{scheduleBean.timelines}" 
     height="auto" width="100%" widgetVar="timelineWidget"> 


default height is auto, how it looks without setting it?mulax
it isn't different, same situation with auto valuegokhansari
What have you tried?user554546
First i did not set value to get default valuue as auto then i set it "auto". Bot doesn't work for that version. Why I'm getting downvote? There was a bug that I post below.gokhansari

1 Answers


I open an issue to primefaces extensions developers, and they accepted it as a defect. It's the bug a bug of the component.

Issue Link

This issue was closed by revision r1598.