I just upgraded to Dart Editor 0.2.8_r15948 and now my code, which was working before I upgraded, is throwing the below exception when I try to run it in the dart browser. It looks like _e11 is an UnknownElement set from my template: < template iterate='pin in app.MainMap.Pins' >
Here is the error message that I get in Dartium Launch:
Exception: NoSuchMethodError : method not found: 'get:parentNode'
Receiver: Instance of 'UnknownElement'
Arguments: []
Stack Trace: #0 Element.noSuchMethod (file:///E:/b/build/slave/dartium-win-full-trunk/build/src/build/Release/obj/global_intermediate/webkit/bindings/dart/dart/html/Element.dart:317:7)
1 init_autogenerated.<anonymous closure> (
2 watchAndInvoke (
3 init_autogenerated (
4 main (
Any ideas about what is going on? I think it might be a bug because everything was working fine before upgrading to Dartium version 0.2.8_r15948