I have installed a SonataAdminBundle, a SonataUserBundle, FOSUserBundle and my own bundle, that extends FOSUserBundle.
mysite/admin/dashboard looks OK, but when I try to get a users list (mysite/admin/sonata/user/user/list) I get this error:
Class Application\Sonata\UserBundle\Entity\User does not exist
Why? What I have to do?
Okay, now I figured out that problem, but now I have another one.
No route found for "GET /admin/sonata/user/user/list"
Why this rout does not exist? Where these routes should be placed and why there are none of them in basic SonataUserBundle installation?
? See step 3 in the documentation of FOSUserBundle: github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSUserBundle/blob/master/Resources/… – Jan-Henk