
I have program compiled with FoxPro that calls d1.dll functions. d1.dll was developed with Delphi 2007. I need to develop d1.dll that will replace existing one using c++. After several tests FoxPro application crashes in random places with random messages like:

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2012.12.12 11:33. Error log file: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VFP\vfp9rerr.log


No enaugh memory execute some_function

I have removed all code from c++ dll and left just some test values that original dll usually returns. But this does't helps. Probably something is wrong with declaration and variable usage.

I have build Fox Pro small test program according to manner of declaring d1.dll function in main Fox Pro program. Unfortunately it doesn't crash. I run it from IDE while mine program runs from executable, but I don't think this is reason. Probably there is som issuersregarding variable usage.

What might be problem?

Function declaration in Delphi and C++:


extern "C" int _stdcall f1(unsigned char *aError)

extern "C" int_stdcall f2(char *txt,unsigned char *aError)

extern "C" int _stdcall f3(unsigned char *aError, char *aAnswer)

extern "C" int _stdcall f4(unsigned char *aError)

extern "C" int _stdcall f5( char* descriptor, char x, double pr, char aError, double qtity, char kd, char* pd ) extern "C" int _stdcall f6(char *acomment_string, unsigned char* aError)

extern "C" int _stdcall f7(unsigned char tender_number, double amount, unsigned char *aError)

extern "C" int _stdcall f8(unsigned char *aError)


function f1(var aError: byte):bool; stdcall; function f2(txt: pchar; var aError: byte):bool; stdcall;

function f3(var aError: byte; adata: pchar):bool; stdcall;

function f4(var aError: byte):bool; stdcall;

function f5(descriptor: pchar;x: byte; pr: double; var aError: byte ; qtity: double; kd : pchar ; pd: pchar ):bool; stdcall;

function f6(non_fiscal_string: pchar; var aError: byte):bool; stdcall;

function f7(tender_number:byte; amount:double; var aError: byte):bool; stdcall;

function f8 (var aError: byte):bool; stdcall;

FoxPro test program

FoxPro FoxPro

declare integer f1 in c:\d1.dll string err

declare integer f2 in c:\d1.dll string txt,string err

declare integer f3 in c:\d1.dll string err, string rec_nr

declare integer f4 in c:\d1.dll string err

declare integer f5 in c:\d1.dll string descr, integer x, double pr ,string err, double qty, string kd, string pd

declare integer f6 in c:\d1.dll string non_fiscal_string,string err

declare integer f7 in c:\d1.dll integer tender, double amount ,string err

declare integer f8 in c:\d1.dll string err






serial_nr = SPACE(aLength)


descr = "descr"

x =1 pr = 123 t=0 t= f2(descr,@kl)

t= f1(@kl)


t= f2(descr,@kl)

t= f4(@kl)



t= f5(descr,x,pr,@kl, 1, "","")

t= f2(descr,@kl)

t= f2(descr,@kl)




When quoting error messages always paste the literal text, don't rewrite from memory. You never know what you may be leaving behind (and it also saves you from embarrassing typos.)Leonardo Herrera
-1 You must fix the formatting. Use code blocks rather than quotes. Note the italics in the question at the moment. Those are not what you intend I am sure. Also, how do you expect us to debug this? We can't see any of the code!!David Heffernan

1 Answers


1) edit question - add the TAG with your delphi version. it is not only polite but might be critical here.

2) you see "string" references in FoxPro code - that probably means your char* hear is C-string (aka ASCIIZ string, aka zero-terminated strings)

They need kinda special treatment. Try passing them as PAnsiChar - like - function f1(const aError: PAnsiChar):bool; stdcall;

Read help about Delphi PChar type - but always use PAnsiChar in fixed DLL API: PChar is ambiguous in different Delphi versions - mapped to either PAnsiChar or PWideChar

3) return correct datatype. Not bool.

declare integer f2 in c:\d1.dll string txt, string err
extern "C" int _stdcall f2(char *txt,unsigned char *aError)
function f2(const txt, aError: PAnsiChar): integer; stdcall;