
I Tried to create new user in openerp and create a company for him, and give him these right access
Sales Management ? : Manager
Warehouse Management ? : Manager
Accounting & Finance ? : Manager
Human Resources ? : Employee
Administration ? : Configuration

But he Cannot create a incomming shipment order, this raise appear
Operation prohibited by access rules, or performed on an already deleted document (Operation: read, Document type: Location).

then I deleted domain in Record Rules for Location object the raise disappeared but a new one appeared for Partner Object if skipping it, this raise appears
Unknown Error
null value in column "account_id" violates not-null constraint

this is the main problem in openerp . Its very difficult to debug access rights. Please put the db on a server we can access and I will try to help youVishal Khialani

2 Answers


In this issue following possibilities to be considered.

  • you have not given access rights to stock location for your new created users.

  • And you have not created chart of accounts of your new company.


I don't know why that access error is arising, but the "Unknown error" you specified here maybe because you haven't specified expense account in products or you haven't specified account receivable and account payable for the partner.