
In IE8 & 9 - only the final slide is showing, although control nav buttons are working, it works fine in every other browser though. Not sure if this is a CSS or jQuery problem.

Here is the site in question: http://bit.ly/SV8E0d

This is a WordPress site, and I'm initializing flexslider like this:

jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) { $('.flexslider').flexslider({ animation: "slide", controlNav: true, directionNav: true }); });

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Nice site! If your looking for general bugs too, the slide navigator does color two dots. instead of one.Linuxios
Thanks very much Linuxos! - any idea on what the IE prob might be?maikunari

1 Answers


Well I don't know why but it seems IE didn't like animation: "slide" Once I removed that it started working, albeit using the fade transition, but it's working!