
In a webapp, I am using yepnope.js as a loader (mostly because of its ability to load CSS as well as JS).

However, for whatever gets loaded by yepnope, Chrome is giving the warning:

Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/javascript: <some js file>


Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/css: <some css file>

This is not creating any problems as far as execution is concerned, but what I don't understand is how is Chrome interpreting a pure JS or CSS file as an IMAGE.

And how to workaround this?

Also, whatever gets loaded from outside of YepNope, is loading perfectly without any warnings.

PS :: I don't have any extensions enabled. The only one enabled is PageSpeed.


2 Answers


Sit back and relax, it's just a warning.

yepnope uses <img> to pre-load resources. That's why there is a warning.

Read preloadFile() in yepnope.js.


This is answered by the yepnope team here: https://github.com/SlexAxton/yepnope.js/issues/32