There is simple VBA macros for Excel (2003). It look to cell A$N and B$N, and replace in Word document text from B$N to A$N.
Sub Макрос1()
Dim pathh As String, i As Integer
pathh = "c:\1.doc"
Dim pathhi As String
Dim from_text As String, to_text As String
Dim WA As Object, WD As Object
Set WA = CreateObject("Word.Application")
WA.Documents.Open (pathh)
WA.Visible = True
For oCell = 1 To 150
from_text = Range("B" + CStr(oCell)).Value
to_text = Range("A" + CStr(oCell)).Value
With WA
With .Selection.Find
.Text = from_text
.Replacement.Text = to_text
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
End With
End Sub
Problem: in Word document this script only select text, but don't make replacement. Nay suggestion?