MPI2 allows us to create derived data types and send them by writing
call mpi_type_create_indexed_block(size,1,dspl_send,rtype,DerType,ierr)
call mpi_send(data,1,DerType,jRank,20,comm,ierr)
By doing this the position dspl_send of data(N) are sent by the MPI library.
Now, for a matrix data(M,N) we can send its position via the following code:
call mpi_type_create_indexed_block(size,M,dspl_send,rtype,DerTypeM,ierr)
call mpi_send(data,1,DerTypeM,jRank,20,comm,ierr)
That is the entries data(i, dspl_send(j)) are sent.
My question concern the role of the 1 in the subsequent mpi_send. Does it has always to be 1? Is another size possible? MPI derived data types are explained nicely in many documents on the internet, but always the size in send/recv is 1 without mention if another size is allowed and then how it could be used.
If we want to work with matrices data(M,N) with a size M that varies between calls, do we need to always create a derived data type whenever we call it? Is it impossible to use DerType for sending a matrix data(M,N) or data(N,M)?