I have a datatable and for each line have a delete linkcommand, as following:
<h:dataTable value='#{glbProjectDtoList}' var='projectDto'
binding='#{projectController.projectDataTable}' styleClass='display'
id='tblProject' rowClasses='gradeA, gradeA'
columnClasses='projectTableName, projectTableProgress, projectTableAction'>
<img class="btnDeleteProject mr5"
src="#{request.contextPath}/resources/images/icons/dark/trash.png" />
<f:ajax execute="@form"
onevent="function(data) {deleteProjectEventHandler(data);}"
render=":tblProject" />
The delete function works fine, but the whole datatable is not reRendered, is it because the action nested in data table or by some other reason?
Update :
It's not working, after remove (:), throw following exception:
javax.faces.FacesException: <f:ajax> contains an unknown id 'tblProject' - cannot locate it in the context of the component j_idt68
means without (:), the element must be in same h:form tag.
Thanks in advance.
instead ofrender=":tblProject"
– Danielh:form
, right ? – Daniel