I have a problem with YUI (2) Datatable and Drag and Drop combo. I have a table of items, one of them is item description which I made editable (and saveable) with YUI's TextboxCellEditor. I also made the rows draggable (so I can drop them to another container).
But I'm stuck with two items: - I can only get DnD by clicking on the second column (the first one does not work) - I can only get it to work on the second attempt since initialization.
Here is a snipet from my JS (simplified):
nameFormatter = function (elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
var link = '/share/page/site/' + Alfresco.constants.SITE + '/document-details?nodeRef=' + oRecord.getData('nodeRef');
elCell.innerHTML = '<span><a href="' + link + '" class="drags">' + oData + '</a></span>';
descFormatter = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
elCell.innerHTML = '<pre class="desc">' + oData + '</pre>';
columnDefs = [
{key: "name", label: "Name", sortable: true, formatter: nameFormatter, resizable: true}
, {key: "description", label: "Description", sortable: true, formatter: descFormatter, editor: new YAHOO.widget.TextboxCellEditor(), resizable: true}
this.mediaTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable(this.id + "-media-table", columnDefs, this.dataSource, {
MSG_EMPTY: "No files"
// now we want to make cells editable (description)
var highlightEditableCell = function(oArgs) {
var elCell = oArgs.target;
if(YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(elCell, "yui-dt-editable")) {
this.mediaTable.subscribe("cellMouseoverEvent", highlightEditableCell);
this.mediaTable.subscribe("cellMouseoutEvent", this.mediaTable.onEventUnhighlightCell);
this.mediaTable.subscribe("cellClickEvent", this.mediaTable.onEventShowCellEditor);
this.mediaTable.subscribe("editorSaveEvent", this.saveDesc);
this.mediaTable.subscribe('cellMousedownEvent', this.onRowSelect);
The saveDesc function is simple Ajax call to save that items' description. Here is the onRowSelect function:
onRowSelect = function(ev) {
console.log(" == method onRowSelect");
var tar = Event.getTarget(ev)
, dd
dd = new YAHOO.util.DDProxy(this.getTrEl(tar));
dd.on('dragDropEvent', function(e) {
YAHOO.Bubbling.fire('myCustomEvent', { target: e.info, src: tar});
If I just click on desc, I get the text editor, if I click on name, I get the link open. Like I said, when I mouseDown on the second column (description), in first attempt I get nothing. Then I click and hold the second time, and this time it works (I get a DDProxy and I can Drag and drop it to the target, everything works there).
And the other issue is that when I click and hold on the name column, I don't get the DDProxy (I get my onRowSelect event and the correct row).
What am I doing wrong here?
UPDATE: Resolved the first issue by using Satyams answer - removing the formatter for my cell with link. The second issue (only on the second click) was resolved because I added the missing dd.handleMouseDown(ev.event) in my onRowSelect function.