I was using Yii's CPhpMessageSource for message translations. BUt i don't want to use it for my new project. Because i'll give source files to a translator, and i don't want to give him .php files for translation. He isn't a developer and probably broke files' syntax :)
Because of this, i can use gettext for translation messages. So, i can give .mo , .po files and he can translate them with PoEdit app. This way is easier for him.
I'm using gettext first time. For CPhpMessageSource , i'm basically executing yiic message
command and it's generating protected/messages/lang/category.php
files. But for gettext, how can i create .po files? How can i point Yii for using that .po files?
There is a 'gettext' extension, but i couldn't understand. Isn't there in-built gettext support ? Why should i install that extension? I don't want to use 3th party extensions, if it's possible.
I read this question and answer, but i don't have any idea about next step.