Almost 2 years on and I have just encountered the same (well, a very similar) problem in Magento I found the cause, and it came as quite a surprise.
Note: I'm using backslashes in my filepaths because I'm using Windows. I see the OP was too. Just in case anyone was about to point out my "mistake". :o)
\app\code\core\Mage\Catalog\Model\Product\Type\Configurable.php on line 294 looks like this:
return Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_type_configurable_attribute_collection')->setProductFilter($this->getProduct($product));
This is supposed to do the following 3 things:
- Load the product object using
- Generate a resource object using
- Call that resource object's
method, passing in
the product object
It's failing at step 2, because Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_type_configurable_attribute_collection')
tries to use the file \app\code\core\Mage\Catalog\Model\Resource\Product\Type\Configurable\Attribute\Collection.php, which - in my case at least - doesn't exist.
To be exact, the file is there but it has the wrong extension - .ph instead of .php. It seems like Magento CE was shipped like this. Maybe other releases are affected in the same way.
Magento CE is available in 3 formats: .zip, .tar.gz, and .tar.bz2. I downloaded the .tar.gz version onto a Windows 8.1 system and extracted it using GnuWin's gzip for Windows and tar for Windows (both command-line utilities). Maybe something got corrupted because of the specific way I chose to download and extract and/or because of the OS I'm using. Or maybe this file is just misnamed at the source. Either way, renaming it to .php solved the problem for me.
Hope this helps someone - as I can see how much of a popular topic this is :oD