I am developing a cross-platform app with Phone Gap, Jquery Mobile in Android using eclipse. I am not at all using any PhoneGap functions in my app. My purpose with PhoneGap is to build native apps for ios, Android, windows etc from Adobe PhoneGap build service. Under android assest/www/ folder I created multiple sub folders like css,js,html etc, where I put my jquery mobile html,css,js files and my custom js,html,css. Note under www directory I have cordova.js and index.html, cordova jar also included in build path. My app is working fine, when I run it in eclipse + Android emulator. It is generating valid apk and opening my app root page welcome.html, which is under www/html/welcome.html. The problem is when I generated android build by uploading my code to Adobe PhoneGap Build service, it is giving valid apk, which after installing opening index.html, which is under www/index.html. I my DroidGap actvity, i am loading welcome.html only.
any suggestions plz. I need to have multiple html pages and folders under www directory because some design restrictions.