
Hi i just tried windows azure cloud servers.

downloaded and run apache it works on localhost but can't access from internet

should i port forward do anything special for able to make *.cloudapp.net work like a web server

what i am missing?

Have you configured endpoints properly so that port 80 is opened on your VM?Gaurav Mantri
yes :( Name Protocol Public port Private port Load balanced RemoteDesktop TCP 3389 3389 NO web TCP 80 80 NOİkiz Kulelere Dalan Teyyare

3 Answers


what exactly did you try? Azure Virtual Machine? Azure Worker Role? I guess an Azure Virtual Machine using Linux since you are talking about Apache. You need to add an TCP Endpoint on port 80.


You only need to configure an endpoint to do that.

In your azure panel -> Virtual Machines -> your_machine_name -> Endpoints. You should see something like this:

Endpoint configuration

Public port -> 80 (if you want to serve your_machine_name.cloudapp.net)

Private port -> (your server listening port)


This has changed recently. Click "All Resources" then click your network security group: Screenshot 1

Then click "Inbound Security Rules". Click 'Add'. Click 'Add'. Then fill in the details. For 'Destination Port Range' you should put whatever port Apache is listening on, probably 80. Example: Screenshot 2

Click 'Okay' and you're good to go!