
How do I manage to make TortoiseSVN (64 Bit on Windows 8) ignore all Thumbs.db files? I know that Settings->Global Ignore Pattern exists. I entered

*.db Thumbs.db thumbs.db

among the other entries that where there by default. But TortoiseSVN still does not ignore the Thumbs.db files. They pop up as new files that ToirtoiseSVN wants to add and commit to the repo.

Do I have to change some other settings?


2 Answers


First, if you want to ignore those, use


as the ignore pattern.

Second: when you use the global ignore pattern in the TSVN settings dialog, that change will take up to five minutes to take effect (because the value is cached).

Although, in your case ignoring won't work: Subversion never ignores files that are already under version control! (you mentioned here that the overlay icon changes to a red exclamation mark, which means that file is under version control). You have to first delete the file from SVN, commit and then ignore it.


You can use global (per user on this host, any Subversion-client) ignore settings, applicable to any OS

%APPDATA%/Subversion/config, [miscellany] section, global-ignores parameter. Addition of Thumbs.db seems to be OK