for XP
tag the usb port for the usb/com device or visa versa.
or put the usb/com device into all usb port one by one, set same setting, so plug into any usb port
will get the same.
advance port setting in hardware device manager for usb will not same as
mode status (run cmd, mode) if the setting show or none in the mode status
the real 9/25 pins serial port will not show in the mode status, only those USB2serial will be, if got the right setting. if it didn't show up or not show the right speed as for printer will print funny letters, etc.
if mode status not match with the device manager setting especially the bauds rate, then device not function.
unless your custom software can set the comport in advance before communicating.
another issue:
if have multiple usb2serial even same driver can malfunction because they share the same ser2pl.sys
using mode to test the usb2serial device:
using mode set the com? to hardware or XonXoff, if it show none or it cann't be set, then this device's driver BUGs or device is part faulty.
It still work on NONE detection condition,.. that fine if you do not need any detection of the hardware.
example: check is the printer online for print, NONE will not provide the offline status,..
for save, I am now only use 1 usb2serial device and get motherboard with 2 onboard or add on serial card for serial port,...
not to mention of Pl2303 usb,.. ca-42 & dku-5, have them all for last 3 months
each of it can only use on different version of driver,..
most new PC only has USB ports,.. so I found 1 ca-42(com1) for cell phone & 1 usb2serial(com2) for printer. I have
facing so much problems. tried use 1 pl2303 & 1 CH340 (different drive) problem too because of the ser2pl.sys
look as it not share by 2.
currently, on hand using onboard com1 for printer & usb pl2303 ca-42(com2) for cell phone, so far so good, no problem yet.
cross my fingers.