I am building a MS Access 2010 application with a MySQL backend using ADO. Thus far, I have been successfully binding and updating my ADO recordsets to forms. However, I have just created the first query that contains two tables with an INNER JOIN and I am unable to update the returned recordset when fields are returned from both tables. This first query I am able to successfully bind and update.
SELECT table_A.a, table_A.b
FROM table_A INNER JOIN table_B ON table_B.c = table_A.c;
However, the moment I add a field from table_B, the recordset can no longer be updated via the bound form. The new MySQL statement looks as follows.
SELECT table_A.a, table_A.b, table_B.a
FROM table_A INNER JOIN table_B ON table_B.c = table_A.c;
I have read the forums, and my query does not appear to be subject to the usual problems that would prevent the recordset from being updateable (i.e., a lack of primary keys, aggregate functions, SELECT DISTINCT, …). Some forums have suggested that my problem may be related to ambiguity between the recordsets, but I have not been able to confirm this and it seems like this should work. Any help is much appreciated.