
I wan to recompile android project. I followed steps here...but every time after ~2 hrs of processing (with no errors I guess), I cannot find the "system.img" file in the output directory. I can find the other 2 files ramdisk.img, userdata.img and extracted system folder, but not system.img.

This causes the emulator to give this error when trying to run it:

emulator: ERROR: No initial system image for this configuration!


1 Answers


I made it working now. I found that the error occurred while compiling "libwebcore" module so it ends the process.

I found the solution here.

1- I cleaned the build files for libwebcore only not to clean all builds, otherwise, we will have to redo all build again

make clean-libwebcore

2- I build only the libwebcore modules to be concerned only about it until it gets to success.

make -j8 libwebcore

3- You just have to launch a normal build process with make to go on building the other remaining modules *

make -j8