I need to read the data from a file that can be either comma or tab delimited. I now that there is a function getcsv but it accepts only one possible delimiter.
Any ideas how to handle this?
Starting from PHP 5.3, you can use str_getcsv() to read individual lines using different delimiters.
$someCondition = someConditionToDetermineTabOrComma();
$delimiter = $someCondition ? "," : "\t";
$fp = fopen('mydata.csv', 'r');
while ( !feof($fp) )
$line = fgets($fp, 2048);
$data = str_getcsv($line, $delimiter);
Here is the function that I added to my utilities library for future use. I derived it from NSSec's answer.
This solution allows you to specify whether you want to use the first line as keys for the array. I will probably add the ability to pass an array to be used for keys for the $first_line_keys parameter at some point.
* Converts a CSV file into an array
* NOTE: file does NOT have to have .csv extension
* $file - path to file to convert (string)
* $delimiter - field delimiter (string)
* $first_line_keys - use first line as array keys (bool)
* $line_lenght - set length to retrieve for each line (int)
public static function CSVToArray($file, $delimiter = ',', $first_line_keys = true, $line_length = 2048){
// file doesn't exist
if( !file_exists($file) ){
return false;
// open file
$fp = fopen($file, 'r');
// add each line to array
$csv_array = array();
while( !feof($fp) ){
// get current line
$line = fgets($fp, $line_length);
// line to array
$data = str_getcsv($line, $delimiter);
// keys/data count mismatch
if( isset($keys) && count($keys) != count($data) ){
// skip to next line
// first line, first line should be keys
}else if( $first_line_keys && !isset($keys) ){
// use line data for keys
$keys = $data;
// first line used as keys
}else if($first_line_keys){
// add as associative array
$csv_array[] = array_combine($keys, $data);
// first line NOT used for keys
// add as numeric array
$csv_array[] = $data;
// close file
// nothing found
return array();
// return csv array
return $csv_array;
} // CSVToArray()