I'm trying to connect to oracle db on remote server through sql developer. I copied the connection details to tnsnames and I'm able to connect to the db.
However i have another db application which is same as sqldeveloper and when I try to make a connection, I keep getting this error. This application uses oracle jdbc thin client which requires hostname and SID.
I got the below error:
java.sql.SQLException: Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor
While troubleshooting, I changed the tns option in sqldeveloper and I have selected basic option to find out what went wrong and I realized that I'm able to connect to it because of the correct service name and not able to connect to the db via SID name even through sqldeveloper.
I have used some db queries to find out SID name but still i keep getting the same error. Please help me troubleshoot.
Thanks for your time..