
This is the sequesnce of events I am trying to achieve: Scheduled Task- runs at the same time everyday and launches a VBScript VBScript Launches Excel Workbook and runs a Macro. Here is the snippet-

Set xlApp = CreateObject ("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = False
Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open (xlFilePath,0,False)
xlApp.Run "Main"

Now the problem is if I run the task manually, It runs fine. When I run the scheduled task when I am not logged on to the server, it does not launch excel. What do I have to change in the code above to launch excel when no user is logged on? I have set Excel Macro security to Low.

Excel 2003 and Windows Server2003 64

do you know if Excel opens up fine? Meaning the VBScript runs, just not the VBA macro?Joseph
Excel doesn't open. I ran another VBScript to check if excel is running and I launched it at the same time as the scheduled task and it cannot find excel.exe in the processes.Kailas Deshpande

3 Answers


Take a look at MS Knowledge Base - according to this, Office apps need an UI to run.

Thus, try using any user but the system user:

For example, code that is started by Task Scheduler under the SYSTEM account runs in the same environment as "server-side" ASP code or as DCOM code. Therefore, many of the issues that this article describes may occur.

Also, try to call Main from the Workbook_Open event in the Excel file instead of xlApp.Run "Main"...


Not sure if it is already resolved, but I got the problem and resolved with the below steps.

Create the below folder(s)

(32Bit, always) C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop

(64Bit) above folder and C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\Desktop

This will resolve the issue if you are running with system account.


You should be able to set an option to use a username when running the task as well as have the task run whether the user is logged on or not. Here's an example from Windows Server 2008:

enter image description here