Need help with union struct. I'm receiving byte stream that consists of various packets, so I'm putting the byte data into union struct and accessing needed data via struct members. The problem is with uint32_t type member - the read skips its two bytes and shows wrong value when accessing via its member. Here's full demo code:
#include <stdint.h>
typedef struct {
uint8_t startSymbol;
uint8_t packetType;
uint32_t deviceId;
uint16_t packetCRC;
} PacketData;
typedef union {
uint8_t *bytes; // stores raw bytes
PacketData *packet;
} Packet;
// Puts bytes into predefined struct
void getPacketFromBytes(void *bytes, Packet *packetRef);
#include <stdio.h>
#include "UnionStruct.h"
void getPacketFromBytes(void *bytes, Packet *packetRef)
uint8_t *rawBytes = (uint8_t *)bytes;
packetRef->bytes = rawBytes;
Calling code:
// sample byte data
uint8_t packetBytes[] = {0x11, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x03, 0xbb, 0xbd};
Packet packetRef;
getPacketFromBytes(packetBytes, &packetRef);
printf("%x\n", packetRef.packet->startSymbol); // good - prints 0x11
printf("%x\n", packetRef.packet->packetType); // good - prints 0x02
printf("%x\n", packetRef.packet->deviceId); // bad - prints bd bb 03 01
printf("%x\n", packetRef.packet->packetCRC); // bad - prints 36 80 (some next values in memory)
Everything is OK when PacketData struct consist of uint8_t or uint16_t type members then the print shows correct values. However, printing deviceId of type uint32_t skips two bytes (0x01 0x01) and grabs last 4 bytes. Printing packetCRC prints the values out of given byte array - some two values in memory, like packetBytes[12] and packetBytes[13]. I can't figure out why it skips two bytes...