I am working on a website where I collect the results of chess games that people have played. Looking at the ratings of the player and the difference between their rating and that of their opponent, I plot a graph with dots representing win (green), draw (blue), and loss (red).
With this information, I also implemented a logistic regression algorithm to categorize the cutoffs for winning and win/drawing. Using the rating and the difference as my two features, I get a classifier, and then draw the boundaries on the chart for where the classifier changes its prediction.
My code for gradient descent, the cost function, and the sigmoid function are below.
def gradient_descent()
oldJ = 0
newJ = J()
alpha = 1.0 # Learning rate
run = 0
while (run < 100) do
tmpTheta = Array.new
for j in 0...numFeatures do
sum = 0
for i in 0...m do
sum += ((h(training_data[:x][i]) - training_data[:y][i][0]) * training_data[:x][i][j])
tmpTheta[j] = Array.new
tmpTheta[j][0] = theta[j, 0] - (alpha / m) * sum # Alpha * partial derivative of J with respect to theta_j
self.theta = Matrix.rows(tmpTheta)
oldJ = newJ
newJ = J()
run += 1
if (run == 100 && (oldJ - newJ > 0.001)) then run -= 20 end # Do 20 more if the error is still going down a fair amount.
if (oldJ < newJ)
alpha /= 10
def J()
sum = 0
for i in 0...m
sum += ((training_data[:y][i][0] * Math.log(h(training_data[:x][i])))
+ ((1 - training_data[:y][i][0]) * Math.log(1 - h(training_data[:x][i]))))
return (-1.0 / m) * sum
def h(x)
if (x.class != 'Matrix') # In case it comes in as a row vector or an array
x = Matrix.rows([x]) # [x] because if it's a row vector we want [[a, b]] to get an array whose first row is x.
x = x.transpose # x is supposed to be a column vector, and theta^ a row vector, so theta^*x is a number.
return g((theta.transpose * x)[0, 0]) # theta^ * x gives [[z]], so get [0, 0] of that for the number z.
def g(z)
tmp = 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.exp(-z)) # Sigmoid function
if (tmp == 1.0) then tmp = 0.99999 end # These two things are here because ln(0) DNE, so we don't want to do ln(1 - 1.0) or ln(0.0)
if (tmp == 0.0) then tmp = 0.00001 end
return tmp
When I test this on the data set representing my own chess profile, I get reasonable results that I can be happy with:
For a while, I was happy. All the examples I tried gave interesting charts. Then I tried a player, Kevin Cao, who had over 250 tournaments to his name, and therefore 1000+ games, for a very large training set. The result was obviously incorrect:
Well, that was no good. So I increased the initial learning rate from 1.0 to 100.0 as my first idea. That got what looks like the right results for Kevin:
Unfortunately, when I then tried it on myself and my smaller data set, I got the strange phenomenon that it just gave a flat line at 0 for one of the predictions:
I checked theta, and it said it was [[2.3707682771730836], [21.22408286825226], [-19081.906528679192]]. The third training variable (really second, since x_0 = 1) is the difference in ratings, so when the difference is just the tiniest bit positive, the formula for logistic regression goes way negative, and the sigmoid function predicts y = 0. When the difference is just the slightly bit positive, similarly, it jumps way up and predicts y = 1.
I reduced the initial learning rate back to 1.0 from 100.0, and decided to instead try reducing it more slowly. So instead of reducing it by a factor of ten when the cost function increases, I reduced it by a factor of two.
Unfortunately, this didn't change the result for me at all. Even if I increased the number of loops of gradient descent from 100 to 1000, it still kept predicting that wrong outcome.
I'm still quite the beginner to logistic regression (I just finished the machine learning class on coursera and this is my first time attempting to implement any of the algorithms I learned there), so I've reached about the extent of my intuition. If somebody would help me figure out what is going wrong here, what I am doing wrong, and how I can fix it I would be extremely grateful.
EDIT: I also tried it on another data set, which had about 300 data points, and got, once again, a flat green line and a normal blue line. The algorithm is basically the same for both, just some different results for y because I'm doing multi-class classification.
EDIT: Since people have asked for it, here is J, Alpha, and Theta for each iteration of gradient descent for the line that flatlines:
J: 1.7679949412730092 Alpha: 1.0 Theta: Matrix[[-0.004477611940298508], [0.2835820895522388], [-123.63880597014925]]
J: 0.6873432218114784 Alpha: 0.1 Theta: Matrix[[-0.008057848266678727], [-8.033992854843122], [-118.62571350649955]]
J: 2.7493579020963597 Alpha: 0.1 Theta: Matrix[[0.0035837099422764904], [10.036108977992713], [-114.29679460799208]]
J: 2.5431564907845736 Alpha: 0.01 Theta: Matrix[[0.002061352330336195], [7.255061503962862], [-113.88091708799209]]
J: 2.268221136398013 Alpha: 0.01 Theta: Matrix[[0.0008076454646645536], [4.923257856798684], [-113.43169704202194]]
J: 2.02765281325063 Alpha: 0.01 Theta: Matrix[[-0.00014755931145485107], [3.0843409102315205], [-112.95644762679805]]
J: 1.821451342237053 Alpha: 0.01 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0008639634905593289], [1.6548476959031622], [-112.46627318829059]]
J: 1.8214513720879484 Alpha: 0.01 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0013117163263802246], [0.6758826956046561], [-111.9660989569473]]
J: 1.8214513720879484 Alpha: 0.001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0013535066248876874], [0.5834935043210742], [-111.91600392423089]]
J: 1.7870844304014568 Alpha: 0.001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0013952969233951501], [0.49110431303749225], [-111.86590889151448]]
J: 1.7870844304014568 Alpha: 0.001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0014341021771264934], [0.40365238581361185], [-111.81578997843985]]
J: 1.7870844304014568 Alpha: 0.001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0014729074308578367], [0.31620045858973145], [-111.76567106536523]]
J: 1.752717488714965 Alpha: 0.001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0015115010626209136], [0.22904945780472585], [-111.71555130580272]]
J: 1.752717488714965 Alpha: 0.001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.001544336226800018], [0.15110191314800955], [-111.66540851236988]]
J: 1.770809597429665 Alpha: 0.001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0015771713909791226], [0.07315436849129325], [-111.61526571893704]]
J: 1.7297985323807161 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.00158045491336022], [0.06535960382896211], [-111.61025143962061]]
J: 1.718350722631126 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0015837319880072584], [0.05757622586497872], [-111.60523715385645]]
J: 1.7183505768797593 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0015867170175074515], [0.05030859963032436], [-111.60022257604714]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0015897020324328638], [0.04304099913473299], [-111.59520799822326]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0015926870473582369], [0.03577339863921061], [-111.59019342039937]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.00159567206228361], [0.028505798143688237], [-111.58517884257549]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.001598657077208983], [0.02123819764816586], [-111.5801642647516]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.001601642092134356], [0.013970597152643486], [-111.57514968692772]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.001604627107059729], [0.006702996657121109], [-111.57013510910383]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016076121219851022], [-0.0005646038384012671], [-111.56512053127994]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016105971369104752], [-0.007832204333923645], [-111.56010595345606]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016135821518358483], [-0.01509980482944602], [-111.55509137563217]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016165671667612213], [-0.022367405324968396], [-111.55007679780829]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016195521816865944], [-0.02963500582049077], [-111.5450622199844]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016225371966119674], [-0.03690260631601315], [-111.54004764216052]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016255222115373405], [-0.04417020681153553], [-111.53503306433663]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016285072264627136], [-0.05143780730705791], [-111.53001848651274]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016314922443731613], [-0.05870541239661013], [-111.52500390868587]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016344772622834192], [-0.06597301748587016], [-111.519989330859]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016374622664495802], [-0.07324060142296517], [-111.51497475304588]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.001640217664533409], [-0.08015482159935092], [-111.50996040483884]]
J: 1.7183505768793688 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016455906875599943], [-0.0937712290880118], [-111.49993184619791]]
J: 1.994702022407994 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016482771980077554], [-0.10057943119248941], [-111.49491756687851]]
J: 1.9789198631246232 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016485458502465615], [-0.10126025363935508], [-111.49441613894419]]
J: 1.948354991984789 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016490831547241735], [-0.10262189853308641], [-111.49341328307554]]
J: 1.9331013621188657 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016493518069629796], [-0.10330272097995208], [-111.49291185514122]]
J: 1.9178620371528292 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016496204592017856], [-0.10398354342681772], [-111.49241042720689]]
J: 1.902623825636303 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016498891114405914], [-0.10466436587368326], [-111.49190899927257]]
J: 1.8873858680247269 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016501577636793972], [-0.10534518832054848], [-111.49140757133824]]
J: 1.8721478527437034 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016504264159182024], [-0.10602601076741257], [-111.49090614340392]]
J: 1.8569098083540256 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016506950681570054], [-0.10670683321427255], [-111.4904047154696]]
J: 1.8416717846532462 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016509637203958004], [-0.10738765566111781], [-111.48990328753527]]
J: 1.8264337702403803 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016512323726345674], [-0.10806847810791036], [-111.48940185960095]]
J: 1.8111957469624462 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016515010251717409], [-0.1087493010703349], [-111.48890043166602]]
J: 1.7959577228777213 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.001651769677708553], [-0.10943012403208266], [-111.4883990037311]]
J: 1.7807196990939538 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016520383302440706], [-0.11011094699140556], [-111.48789757579618]]
J: 1.7654816767669712 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016523069827749494], [-0.11079176994204029], [-111.48739614786128]]
J: 1.7197677244765115 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016531129399852717], [-0.11283423807786983], [-111.4858918640573]]
J: 1.7045300185036796 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016533815914621833], [-0.11351505905442376], [-111.48539043612449]]
J: 1.689293134633683 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016536502402002386], [-0.11419587490110002], [-111.48488900819716]]
J: 1.674059195452273 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.001653918879126327], [-0.1148766723699622], [-111.48438758028945]]
J: 1.6588357959146847 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016541874829120791], [-0.11555740402097447], [-111.48388615245203]]
J: 1.6436500186219352 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016544559609891405], [-0.1162379002196091], [-111.48338472486603]]
J: 1.6285972611659707 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.001654723991174496], [-0.11691755751707966], [-111.4828832981758]]
J: 1.6139994752963014 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016549904481917704], [-0.11759426827073645], [-111.48238187463193]]
J: 1.600799606845299 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016552516449943116], [-0.11826112664220582], [-111.48188046160847]]
J: 1.5908244528084288 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016554977759847996], [-0.1188997667477244], [-111.48137907871664]]
J: 1.5851960976828814 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016557144987826046], [-0.11948332530842007], [-111.4808777546412]]
J: 1.5826817076400923 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016558999497352893], [-0.12000831170339445], [-111.48037649310945]]
J: 1.5816354848004566 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016560658987327093], [-0.12049677093659837], [-111.4798752705816]]
J: 1.581199878569286 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016562224426970157], [-0.12096761454376066], [-111.47937406686383]]
J: 1.5810169018926878 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016563748211790893], [-0.12143065620486218], [-111.47887287147701]]
J: 1.5809396242131868 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016565254040880424], [-0.1218903347622732], [-111.47837167968135]]
J: 1.5809069017613124 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016566752202995195], [-0.12234857730581448], [-111.47787048941908]]
J: 1.5808930296490606 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.001656824710233385], [-0.12280620875454971], [-111.47736929980935]]
J: 1.580887145848097 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016569740612930289], [-0.12326358014294572], [-111.47686811047738]]
J: 1.580884649719601 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016571233527736234], [-0.12372084005243131], [-111.47636692126457]]
J: 1.5808835906710963 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.0016572726175860411], [-0.12417805026085695], [-111.47586573210509]]
J: 1.5808831413239819 Alpha: 1.0e-05 Theta: Matrix[[-0.00165742186803091], [-0.12463523410670607], [-111.47536454297435]]
For the one that creates a proper prediction:
J: 4.330234652497978 Alpha: 1.0 Theta: Matrix[[0.12388059701492538], [211.9910447761194], [-111.13731343283582]]
J: 4.330234652497978 Alpha: 0.1 Theta: Matrix[[0.08626965671641812], [152.3222144059701], [-118.07202388059702]]
J: 4.2958677406623815 Alpha: 0.1 Theta: Matrix[[0.048658716417910856], [92.65338403582082], [-125.0067343283582]]
J: 3.333594209265678 Alpha: 0.1 Theta: Matrix[[0.011644779104478219], [33.61767533134318], [-131.44443979104477]]
J: 0.4467735852246924 Alpha: 0.1 Theta: Matrix[[-0.014623104477611202], [-11.126378913433022], [-132.24166105074627]]
J: 3.333594209265678 Alpha: 0.1 Theta: Matrix[[0.01194378805970217], [31.177094038805805], [-126.89243925671643]]
J: 3.0930257965656063 Alpha: 0.01 Theta: Matrix[[0.009436400895523079], [26.892626149850567], [-126.92472924]]
J: 2.7493567080605392 Alpha: 0.01 Theta: Matrix[[0.007257365074627634], [23.13644550388053], [-126.8386038647761]]
J: 2.508788325211366 Alpha: 0.01 Theta: Matrix[[0.005466380895523164], [19.99261048238799], [-126.62851089164178]]
J: 2.405687589704577 Alpha: 0.01 Theta: Matrix[[0.004152999104478391], [17.61296913194023], [-126.28907722179103]]
J: 2.268219942362192 Alpha: 0.01 Theta: Matrix[[0.002959017910448543], [15.415473392238736], [-125.92224111492536]]
J: 2.1307522353180164 Alpha: 0.01 Theta: Matrix[[0.002093389253732125], [13.751072827761122], [-125.48597339134326]]
J: 2.027651529662123 Alpha: 0.01 Theta: Matrix[[0.0014367116417918252], [12.436814710149182], [-125.00961691402983]]
J: 1.9589177059909308 Alpha: 0.01 Theta: Matrix[[0.0009889847761201823], [11.44908667850739], [-124.49911195194028]]
J: 1.8558169406332465 Alpha: 0.01 Theta: Matrix[[0.0006606582089560022], [10.652638055522315], [-123.97004023522386]]
J: 1.8214500586485458 Alpha: 0.01 Theta: Matrix[[0.0004218823880604789], [9.988664770447688], [-123.42914782925371]]
J: 1.8214500884994413 Alpha: 0.01 Theta: Matrix[[0.0002428068653197179], [9.416182220312082], [-122.88082274064425]]
J: 1.8214500884994413 Alpha: 0.001 Theta: Matrix[[0.00023086931308091184], [9.369775500013574], [-122.82513353589798]]
J: 1.8214500884994413 Alpha: 0.001 Theta: Matrix[[0.00021893176084210577], [9.323368779715066], [-122.7694443311517]]
J: 1.8214500884994413 Alpha: 0.001 Theta: Matrix[[0.0002069942086032997], [9.276962059416558], [-122.71375512640543]]
J: 1.8214500884994413 Alpha: 0.001 Theta: Matrix[[0.00019505665636449364], [9.23055533911805], [-122.65806592165916]]
J: 1.8214500884994413 Alpha: 0.001 Theta: Matrix[[0.00018311910412568757], [9.184148618819542], [-122.60237671691289]]
J: 1.8214500884994413 Alpha: 0.001 Theta: Matrix[[0.0001711815518868815], [9.137741898521034], [-122.54668751216661]]
J: 1.8214500884994413 Alpha: 0.001 Theta: Matrix[[0.00015924399964807544], [9.091335178222526], [-122.49099830742034]]
J: 1.8214500884994413 Alpha: 0.001 Theta: Matrix[[0.00014730641755852312], [9.04492840598372], [-122.43530910670393]]
J: 1.8677695240029366 Alpha: 0.001 Theta: Matrix[[0.0001353688354689708], [8.998521633744915], [-122.37961990598751]]
J: 1.8462563443835032 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.0001341750742749415], [8.993880951437452], [-122.374050986289]]
J: 1.8247430163841476 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.00013298131308164604], [8.98924026913124], [-122.3684820665904]]
J: 1.803243007740144 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.0001317875528781551], [8.984599588510665], [-122.36291314676808]]
J: 1.7875423426167685 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.00013059512176735966], [8.979961171334951], [-122.35734406080917]]
J: 1.7870839229503594 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.0001296573060241053], [8.97575636413016], [-122.35174314792931]]
J: 1.7870831481868632 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.00012876197468911015], [8.971623907872633], [-122.34613692449842]]
J: 1.7870831468153818 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.00012786672082037553], [8.967491583540149], [-122.34053069138426]]
J: 1.7870831468129538 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.000126971467088789], [8.963359259441226], [-122.33492445825294]]
J: 1.7870831468129498 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.0001260762133574453], [8.959226935342718], [-122.3293182251216]]
J: 1.7870831468129498 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.00012518095962610202], [8.95509461124421], [-122.32371199199025]]
J: 1.7870831468129498 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.00012428570589475874], [8.950962287145702], [-122.3181057588589]]
J: 1.7870831468129498 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.00012339045216341546], [8.946829963047193], [-122.31249952572756]]
J: 1.7870831468129498 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.00012249519843207218], [8.942697638948685], [-122.30689329259621]]
J: 1.7870831468129498 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.00012159994470072888], [8.938565314850177], [-122.30128705946487]]
J: 1.7870831468129498 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.00012070469096938559], [8.934432990751668], [-122.29568082633352]]
J: 1.7870831468129498 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.0001198094372380423], [8.93030066665316], [-122.29007459320218]]
J: 1.7870831468129498 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.000118914183506699], [8.926168342554652], [-122.28446836007083]]
J: 1.7870831468129498 Alpha: 0.0001 Theta: Matrix[[0.00011801892977535571], [8.922036018456144], [-122.27886212693949]]
EDIT: I noticed that the first iteration the hypothesis is always predicting 0.5, since the theta is all 0s. But then after that it always predicts 1 or 0 (0.00001 or 0.99999 to avoid logarithms that don't exist in my code). That doesn't seem right to me - way way too confident - and is probably the key to why this isn't working.
and other collection methods likemap
, etc – Sigurdmnrfit
(mathworks.com/help/stats/mnrfit.html) from Matlab. – mmgp